Thursday, November 1, 2012

Late Victorian Era Ladies' Dresses - Autumn 1874 Fashion Book by Cavendish House, London

Late Victorian Era Ladies' Dresses - Autumn 1874 Fashion Book by Cavendish House, London

Description of Costumes

Fig 3 - Tweed Costume - The skirt has a broad band of velveteen between the stitchings round the hem. The tunic is bound with velvet, and gracefully draped at the back. The bodice is made as a Jacket and Waistcoat, velveteen being introduced in the revers, cuffs, and basque.

Fig 4 - This is suitable for serges, and soft materials. The skirt has a plaited flounce at the edge, a runner being introduced at the back, about half a yard from the waist, which keeps the front plain and the skirt in its place. The tunic describes a series of plaits, like a kilt, and has plaited pockets at the side. The bodice has a waistcoat, the Jacket being made to simulate a plaited scarf, crossing in front. The basque at the back consists of a series of plaited frills.

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