Friday, March 30, 2012

Late Victorian Era Fashion Plate - November 1883 Peterson's Magazine

Late Victorian Era Fashion Plate - November 1883 Peterson's Magazine

Fashions for November

Fig 1 - Evening-Dress, of thin white striped Oriental stuff, made dancing length. The skirt has one narrow ruffle around the bottom, with a wider flounce above; the upper part falls in three loose puffs, and the drapery at the back is quite bouffant, but is arranged in simple folds. A wreath of roses passes from the bottom of the corsage down to the left side. The corsage is made of poppy-colored satin, is low on the bust, has short sleeves, and is made pointed back and front.

Fig 2 - Wedding-Dress, of white satin and white brocade. The underskirt is of white satin, and has a full quilled trimming of the same around the bottom; the front is of brocaded satin and velvet; the train is long, slightly looped at the back under the paniers, and plain. The Princess corsage and paniers are of the satin, the latter trimmed with lace and garlands of orange-blossoms, and looped with broad white satin ribbon. The plastron on the front of the corsage is of white crepe-lisse edged with lace; orange-blossoms at the throat and on the head; long tulle veil.

Fig 3 - House-Dress, of emerald-green velvet, and light-green nun's-veiling. The velvet skirt is cut in tabs, which ipen over a knife-plaiting of the nun's-veiling. The overdress of the nun's-veiling is made perfectly plain; falls very low both back and front, and is very bouffant below the waist. The corsage is pointed, and quite plain, with a vest, collar, and cuffs of the velvet.

Fig 4 - Visiting-Dress, of emerald-green velvet. The bottom of the skirt has a gathered ruffle of the velvet; the front falls in two loose puffs, separated by a passementerie trimming of green cord. The waist and overdress are in one, Princess style, bouffant at the back, and trimmed with cords and passementerie. Bonnet of green velvet, trimmed with ostrich-tips and aigrette; and muff of the velvet, trimmed with passementerie.

Fig 5 - Walking-Dress, of electric-blue cloth. The bottom is finished with a narrow plaiting of the cloth. The upper part of the dress is laid in lengthwise plaits at the sides, is slightly draped at the back, and has a trimming on the left side of blue braiding, the color of the dress. The long tight jacket has a border around the bottom, a plastron which forms a collar at the back, and cuffs of sealskin-fur. Hat of electric-blue felt, trimmed with feathers of the same color.

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